Condé Systems supports products it sells and we will attempt to support products that were sold by the former Conde Systems.
In some cases, we may be unable to provide support for products that you may have purchased from the former Conde Systems.
If you need personalized support beyond what this page offers, please call our toll free line, during business hours, at 800-826-6332. We may ask you to confirm you are a Conde customer by checking to see if you have an active account. We may also need to confirm your purchase.
In some cases we may provide "remote" support by accessing your computer with your assistance and permission.
Where can I find Instructions?
The product detail pages will have an "Instructions" tab for most substrates. In some cases, these may be in the product description. If you need help with instructions, please use the "ask a question" feature on the product details page.
If you need instructions for a product not listed, please
contact us and provide as much information about the product as possible. Please provide the product ID number if known.
Where can I find Templates?
You must have an approved account, and be logged in to your account to see templates. Almost all of our products that can be personalized will have a template download available.
I need help with my Sawgrass Printer.
Currently we are offering limited support for Sawgrass products. We are not currently selling Sawgrass printers and supplies. However, we are aware many Conde customers have purchased Sawgrass printers from the original Conde.
We want to help you, so we have some information below that should be useful if you need support for your Sawgrass Printer.
I need help with ProSpray
Pro Spray adhesive spray is an alternative to heat tape and is best suited for fabrics and soft surfaces.
Many customers use it successfully with hard substrates, but we recommend heat tape for most hard surfaces.
This formula is made to be compliant in all 50 US states and to achieve that, the formula is more prone to nozzle stoppage issues.
It's important to follow a few basic steps for best results.
- Remember "less is more" - It only takes a quick mist to apply enough adhesive to keep the substrate in place.
- Be sure not to confuse "quick mist" with a light press of the nozzle. It's important to press the nozzle fully to open the valve all the way.
- The formula requires constant mixing during use. Shake extra well before first use, then again with each use.
- Spray the mist in the air and fan the paper through the mist. This will minimize the potential for droplets on the paper.
- Watch this video for a demonstration on how to clean a stopped up nozzle.
- Watch this video for a demonstration on how to use Pro Spray.
I need help with my Epson Printer.
Below are links to driver download and manuals for various models. Product manuals have troubleshooting tips included.